SMO 15205 - CX Finance Maintenance Updates
1) Feature: (CX-53233; CX-53056)
An enhancement was made allowing ADR addressing logic to be
configured to use the 'legal' name of an individual. The legal
name associated to an individual ID in Jenzabar CX is maintained
in one of two places: 1) if your institution is using the CX 8.1
HR/Payroll module, the legal name is the social security name in
the HR Employee Record; or 2) if using the Alternate ID Record,
it is the Alternate ID name for which the 'legal' flag is set.
When the legal name for a person is entered using either the HR
Employee Record, or the Alternate ID Record, there are schema-
triggered stored procedures invoked that record the latest legal
name in the Addree Record. The Addree Record now has a read-only
'legal' name field, which the ADR addressing logic can/will use.
For ADR addressing, the ADR Record has a 'use_legal' configuration
value that, when set to 'Y'es, will direct the ADR addressing
logic to look first for the availability of a 'legal' Addree
Record name before using the name from the ID Record, or some
other specified (not 'legal') Addree Record.
A new macro, HR_OFFICE_DEF, was added to $CARSPATH/macros/custom/hr.
The default value for this macro is the office code 'PERS'. This
new macro is used in the 'proc_hremp_legal' stored procedure, which
is triggered from social security name changes in the HR Employee
(hremp_rec) record. The other legal name stored procedure, which
is triggered when the "legal = Y" names are set in the Alternate ID
(altid_rec) record, uses the macro 'DEFAULT_OFFICE_DEF' (default:
Additionally, if a 'legal' addree record has been added by HR for
an employee, which results from the procedure triggered by HR
Employee record changes, that record cannot be superseded by any
legal name from the Alternate ID record; however, Alternate ID
sourced legal names in the addree record may be replaced by those
from the HR Employee record.
This update includes the ability to place the legal name within
the Direct Deposit ACH file using the 'legal' Address Record
name via ADR addressing (CX-53056).
This enhancement benefits those institutions who desire to
use the 'legal' name of an individual for payables checks, or
any other addressing that may require the person's legal name.
2) Feature: (CX-53242)
The individual employee name(s) that are displayed on the payroll
registers available in the CX 8.1 HR/Payroll module were updated to
use the social security name(s), versus the ID record name(s). For
the purpose of such things as the creation of Form W-2, the social
security name is already required within the CX 8.1 HR/Payroll
module; so, for consistency the name was extended to the payroll
This update was done to both the "pre" and "post" payroll registers.
This enhancement benefits the payroll office by providing
consistency in the use of the employee's name (social security
3) Feature: (CX-53047)
For a majority of the CX 8.1 HR/Payroll reports that include the
employee's name, those reports now have a new parameter that allows
the user to "Use Legal Name" (i.e., social security name). In
conjunction with CX-53242, which updated the payroll registers,
this update was done to provide consistent use of the legal name
from the HR Employee Record (i.e., social security name) for all
employee-related reporting.
This enhancement benefits the payroll office by providing
consistency in the use of the employ name (social security
4) Feature: (CX-52911)
The report ($CARSPATH/modules/stubill/reports/t1098opt) was added
to provide information regarding all recipients who have given
consent to receive Form 1098-T electronically. This report, titled
"1098-T Electronic Delivery", is located under the following menu
Fiscal Management
Student Accounts/Billing
Student Billing Menu
1098-T Menu
1098-T Report Menu
During the pre-production of Form 1098-T, this report helps to
determine the usage of electronic delivery, as well as aiding in
the planning of how many physical Form 1098-T will be needed for
5) Feature: (CX-53251)
To improve the reporting of Jenzabar CX G/L information in Cognos
reporting, the G/L Serial record was updated to generically support
all G/L account element setups. Instead of referencing the G/L
account element by the defined CX name (e.g., "fund"-"func"-"obj"-
"subfund"), any account element can also be generically referenced
by its ordinal position within the G/L account string using the
alternate element reference name. The alternate names representing
the account elements, fitting the previous example, are as follows:
"fund" -> "gl_fld_1"
"func" -> "gl_fld_2"
"obj" -> "gl_fld_3"
"subfund" -> "gl_fld_4"
The pattern of "gl_fld_#" adapts to your institution's G/L account
structure, where "#" represents the physical number of the ordinal
position for each defined element of your G/L account.
Additionally, the 'glser_no' column, or a prefixed variation of
that column name, was added to the schema definitions for most of
the CX records and tables that contain the G/L account fields. The
'glser_no' column serves as a link that can be used by Cognos in
the reporting of CX accounting information.
Also, a separate 'gl_fld' column was added to the G/L account tables
related to each of the G/L account elements. This 'gl_fld' column in
each of these tables serves as a generic reference to the primary
table column. For example, for the fund_table the 'gl_fld' column
value is maintained to be the same value as the 'fund' column.
This update will help in the development of Cognos financial
reports that are designed to include Jenzabar CX G/L account
6) Feature: (CX-33056)
The "Active" and "Inactive" dates, which are associated with each
of the individual G/L account element tables (e.g., "fund_table",
"obj_table", etc), should be included on the screens for the
"General Ledger" tables and also printed on the "General Ledger
Report". This update enhances the "General Ledger" and "General
Ledger Report" options with the active/inactive dates.
The addition of the "Active" and "Inactive" dates helps complete
the "General Ledger" table screens and the "General Ledger Report"
and therefore provides the knowledge worker with a complete view of
their G/L data.
7) Feature: (CX-29775)
All available address lines for an individual, which is potentially
three lines, are now part of the reporting on the following
accounting reports:
Accounting: Subsidiary Reports Menu
--> Subsidiary History
Accounts Payable/Receiving: Reports[N-Z] Menu
--> Vendor Listing
Previously these reports handled only two of the potential three
address lines.
The inclusion of all address lines enhances each report to aid
in the usefulness of the demographic information related to the
reported individuals.
8) Feature: (CX-54092)
For the G/L Serial Tag Table, a table entry screen and a table
report were added in this update. The screen and report are
available on the Jenzabar CX10 menu under the following:
Operations Reporting -> Financial Operations -> Table Maintenance
The addition of this data entry screen and report will provide
designers/creators of CX G/L reports for Cognos to enter and
maintain additional custom G/L serial tags.
9) Feature: (CX-56173)
The "Direct Deposit Verification" report was enhanced to support
ID numbers that are up to 10 digits in length. The previous
version of the report, $CARSPATH/modules/hr/reports/verdirdep,
only supported displaying ID numbers up to 6 digits in length.
The report can now handle larger ID numbers.
1) Problem: (CX-51895)
When using "Invoice Entry" to create "Direct" invoices, the payment
terms entered in the invoice, if different than the default payment
terms configured within the subsidiary table, would get reset to
the default (subsidiary table) value.
The "Invoice Entry" application, $CARSPATH/src/purchase/acctspay,
was updated to properly retain the entered payment terms when
entering a "Direct" invoice. All other invoice types were verified
to also properly handle the payment terms.
2) Problem: (CX-53421)
The "1098-T Detail Report" report option needed to be erased from
the "1098-T Reports Menu" sub-menu because the associated report
is obsolete. The 1098-T Detail record is also not currently in use.
The menu option, "stubill/reports/t1098dtl", has been erased from
the menu source file, $CARSPATH/menusrc/fiscal/stubill/billing/
t1098/reports/menudesc. The actual menu option ($CARSPATH/menuopt/
reports/t1098dtl) and the actual report ($CARSPATH/modules/reports/
t1098dtl) are not being removed at this time.
3) Problem: (CX-47585; CX-49094; CX-49103)
Following the move to the Linux SUSE 15 Linux OS, numerous G/L
posting problems/issues were reported. The most common symptom
of a majority of the issues reported was that the "bgvoucher"
(back-ground voucher) application was "hanging"/"freezing". Upon
further focused investigation, it was determined that there were
application timing issues with respect to the handling of the
PTP (process-to-process) flow with "bgvoucher".
The "bgvoucher", $CARSPATH/src/accounting/bgvoucher, was updated.
Simply stated, a brief timing delay was added to manage the PTP
handling of process flow.
4) Problem: (CX-53165)
Following the installation of SMO 15203, issues were discovered
regarding the "Amount Codes" (positions 28-45) of the Payer "A"
Record in each of the CX electronic filing applications that are
related to the specifications in IRS Publication 1220. For Jenzabar
CX, Publication 1220 affects the following information returns:
1099-INT, 1099-MISC, 1099-NEC, 1099-R, and 1098-T. The Amounts
Codes field string for 2021 was lengthened from 16 characters to
18 characters; however, the string buffers within the applications
corresponding to each of the respective information returns were
not appropriately updated in SMO 15203.
The applications related the "Prepare Electronic File" for each
of the form types for the IRS reporting types (mentioned above)
were updated. These updates were also previously addressed for the
2021 EOY reporting in PA997.
5) Problem: (CX-53372)
For 2021, the IRS modified the Form 1099-NEC paper form from two
forms (per 8 1/2 x 11 page) to three forms per page. Because of
the 2021 Form 1099-NEC format change, Copy A of the 1099-NEC form
provided no room for multiple address lines; however, the provided
single address line proved to not be sufficient for the proper
addressing of the form to be mailed to the 1099-NEC recipient
(Copy B; Copy C; et al.).
The Form 1099-NEC form and the related "Prepare" application,
$CARSPATH/src/acctspay/n1099form, was updated. These updates were
also previously addressed for the 2021 reporting in PA998.
6) Problem: (CX-53403)
For Jenzabar CX10, the "Reconciliation Parameter" data entry screen
was not permitting a $0.00 (zero dollar) "Statement Balance" value.
This was because the screen field for this balance had a "required"
The screen, $CARSPATH/modules/accounting/screens/precon, was
updated. The "required" attribute was removed from the "stmtbal"
screen field definition.
7) Problem: (CX-53224)
The menu option related to "Prepare Forms 1098-T" potentially
would not install properly when the ENABLE_OPT_ELECTRONIC_1098_T
macro was enabled. This was due to a missing " (quote) character
in a comment attribute.
The screen, $CARSPATH/menuopt/stubill/programs/t1098fm, was
8) Problem: (CX-50598)
After voiding a zero dollar check, "Invoice Entry" still displayed
the check number of the voided check on related header screen. This
occurred because the "Invoice Entry" application failed to include
the $0 dollar void during the evaluation of possible voided checks.
The "Invoice Entry" application, $CARSPATH/src/purchase/acctspay,
was updated to include $0 voided checks within the SQL query
performed in the get_voided_chknum() function.
9) Problem: (CX-52477)
The Jenzabar CX10 online help URL associated with "Update Invoice
Fields" option, under the absolute menu path "Financial > Accounts
Payable > Producing Checks" was not correct.
The menu option, $CARSPATH/menuopt/acctspay/screens/upd4chk, was
updated with the correct online help URL link.
10) Problem: (CX-56155)
The "Adjustment Exceptions" report was repeating the reported
employee names.
The report, $CARSPATH/modules/hr/reports/except, was modified
to eliminate repeated names.