SMO 15198
1) Feature: (CX-23177; CX-23186; CX-53741; CX-53984)
A major enhancement was been made in Jenzabar CX to support the
international dialing prefix for phone numbers and expand the phone
number extension from four characters to 10 characters. To support
this feature, the Country table was augmented to include a Country
Phone Prefix field, which is associated to the country per the E-164
standard. The E-164 standard specifies a 3-character calling code
prefix and a 12-character subscriber phone number for a maximum
number of 15 characters. Included in this software update is an
unload of the Country table, which includes the following:
- The Alpha-3 country code (ctry)
- The IRS electronic filing code (ctry_code)
- The United States Postal Service Code (usps_code)
- The E-164 country dialing prefix (ctry_ph_pfx)
Note: Your institution may be using other codes for the countries
in this table. You will need to determine if and how you
will resolve the differences between the provided data and
your existing table entries.
Also note that this enhancement impacted numerous libentry
programs, including identry, admentry, stuentry, csentry.
Other libentry screens were modified to handle this change
as well.
This benefits institutions whose constituents have international
phone numbers.
2) Feature: (CX-49076)
The Profile record and other Profile-related CX records were
enhanced to support constituents' gender association and preferred
pronoun. New tables were added to support this enhancement for
preferred pronoun (pronoun_table) and gender association
(gender_table). Jenzabar CX screens in which current biological sex
information exist were updated to include the new augmented profile
Note: This enhancement impacted numerous libentry programs,
including identry, admentry, stuentry, csentry. Other
libentry screens were modified to handle this change as well.
This update provides the ability for your constituents to
self-identify. Your institution can now track in CX the identity
preferences of your constituents and respond appropriately to new
social norms.
3) Feature: (CX-50177; CX-51913)
CX8.1 HR/Payroll was enhanced to support the international dialing
prefix for phone numbers. Support was also added for gender
association and preferred pronoun.
Institutions who use CX HR/Payroll will now have the ability to
store the international phone prefixes for employees, as well as
their gender associations and preferred pronouns.
4) Feature: (CX-51207)
All references to the ctryphone_table, previously added by SMO
15159, were removed from the menu. This software update normalizes
the location of the country dialing prefix as a field in the Country
table (ctry_table).
The use of the Country table provides easier table lookups for
international phone prefixes, permitting the lookups to display
both the calling prefix and the name of the country.
5) Feature: (CX-52297; CX-23318; CX-50020; CX-51126)
The admissions temporary records were enhanced to mirror the
enhancements made for the international phone prefix, preferred
pronoun and gender association. This maintains continuity between
the temporary records and the associated CX records. The following
temporary tables were updated:
- schema/admission/appaatmp
- schema/admissions/appedtmp
- schema/admissions/appemptmp
- schema/admissions/appidtmp
- schema/admissions/appproftmp
- schema/admissions/appreltmp
Associated to the collection of admissions data, the FormBuilder
tables were also enhanced to support the mapping of data on
submitted forms and store the data in the appropriate FormBuilder
For institutions using FormBuilder forms with JICS, institutional
forms can now be modified to include the new fields and map them to
the entries which appear in the FormBuilder tables.
For institutions using CX FormFlow forms, the templates were updated
along with new data sources for the new fields. For more information
on the update, refer to the CX FormFlow 1.6 Release Notes.
Institutions can collect the phone prefix, personal pronoun and
gender association from their constituents through JICS.
6) Feature: (CX-33920)
The Jenzabar CX10 Client interface now provides the ability to
print application result sets to local printers.
Users can now sort and print application result set(s) for further
7) Feature: (CX-31874; CX-49873)
Previously in the CX10 interface, pop-up dialogs and result set
screens could not be repositioned; therefore, the user could
not view data hidden by the pop-up. The Jenzabar CX10 Client
interface now allows the user to drag/move these pop-up screens
to reveal obscured underlying data.
Note: A movable CX10 pop-up screen may be identified as one having
a drop-shadow 3-D effect on the bottom and right-hand side of
the pop-up screen. Other pop-up screens that do not have this
"drop-shadow" effect are not movable.
Users can now move pop-up screens out of the way to view underlying
8) Feature: (CX-48850)
The Jenzabar CX10 Client interface now provides the ability to
display PDFs and images in the file viewer.
Users can now view PDFs and images from the CX10 File viewer.
9) Feature: (CX-50011; CX-23327; CX-52053; CX-52062; CX-23327)
To support collection of preferred pronouns, gender associations,
and international phone numbers, modifications were made to the
My Profile and Setting portlets in JICS. A new CX FormFlow form was
added to the "Other personal information" section under the "About
me" area along with the associated updates to JICS. Changes were
also made to the My Info Update option in CX to process the data
coming from the JICS portal. For more information about CX FormFlow
and JICS configuration, see the CX FormFlow 1.6 Release Notes.
JICS portal users can update their information on file, including
phone information with international phone prefix, preferred
pronoun and gender association. Records created from the
submitted data can be processed through the JICS My Info Update.
10) Feature: (CX-53300)
When using the Jenzabar CX10 interface, table lookup dialogs
are now sorted first by the "web_ord" column in the table
if it exists, and then by the data in the field.
Administrators can customize the sort order of lookup tables
so that end-users can see commonly used values at the top
of the list of lookup values. This should allow end-users
to enter data more rapidly.
11) Feature: (CX-50706)
The Admissions screens were enhanced to mirror the updates made to
support constituents' international phone prefix, preferred pronoun,
and gender association. This maintains continuity between all the
applications and records associated in CX.
This benefits Admissions module users who have applications that
may include this information. If this information is included,
users can store that data in the associated tables.
12) Feature: (CX-52600)
The "SELECT BY USER PARAMETERS" screen was enhanced to allow users
to select on the preferred pronoun and gender association. This
maintains continuity between all the applications and records
associated in CX.
This benefits Admissions module users who have applications that
may include this information. If this information is included,
users can store that data in the associated tables.
13) Feature: (CX-51216)
To mirror the enhancements made to support the preferred pronoun and
gender association updates, the lead_rec schema file was expanded
to store values in the lead file. This maintains continuity between
all the applications and records associated in CX.
This benefits Admissions module users who use the lead application
process. If this information is included, users can store the data
in the lead file.
14) Feature: (CX-52120)
Numerous Financial Aid module screens were enhanced to support the
new preferred pronoun, Int'l phone prefix, and gender association
fields. The ID Data Entry, Profile tab, Display Student Data and
Contact Entry screen were also updated to maintain continuity
between all the applications and records associated in CX.
This benefits Financial Aid Administrators who want to view this
information from other modules.
1) Problem: (CX-51796)
In the Jenzabar CX10 Client interface, the application action
focus location was uncertain if there was no specific editable
data field found after closing program-modal dialog/overlay
The CX10 Client interface was modified to default the action
focus to the application's top ring-menu when the focus location
is uncertain due to the absence of identifiable and editable screen
2) Problem: (CX-51560)
The "alt_name" of the Addressee record (addree_rec) failed to
parse the name properly when the middle name was not included.
This was due to a problem identified in the "verifyname" stored
procedure that is triggered during name updates.
The stored procedure, $CARSPATH/procedures/common/verifyname,
has been updated.
3) Problem: (CX-54517)
Both $CARSPATH/schema/admissions/adm and $CARSPATH/schema/
admissions/ appadmtmp had an ENABLE macro defined for including,
or excluding, the 'jics_candidate' column. ENABLE macros should
not be used to define the presence of columns in schema; so, the
macro needed to be removed to make 'jics_candidate' a permanent
$CARSPATH/schema/admissions/adm and $CARSPATH/schema/admissions/
appadmtmp were updated.
4) Problem: (CX-55992)
The alternate ID record should require populating the last name
with a value for a valid record. In other words, the last name must
not be blank.
The data entry scroll screen for the alternate ID was updated.
5) Problem:
Using a Mac OSX machine to run CX8.1, the "Build Reports" screen
had an issue with incorrectly handling parameters within the SQL
string displayed for the 'Query'.
This problem was found on a single in-house Jenzabar server only;
therefore, it may not be duplicated on a client system.
Regardless, a general code solution was made to address this rare
issue by updating the "Build Reports" screen plugin, $CARSPATH/
6) Problem: (CX-55963)
When employing an existing person (i.e., the person already has an
ID record) using CX8.1 HR/Payroll "Employee Management", the user is
prompted with a question regarding making the person an "employee".
When answered affirmatively, the newly added HR Employee record
(hremp_rec) should automatically insert the default social security
name parts; however, the process was not doing this.
The ID lookup portion of the CX8.1 HR/Payroll "Employee Management"
screen was updated.